Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Week 10 - Microsoft Word

The first two exercises in this weeks task were to use some of microsoft words easier functions. Fortunately i have already mastered the art of opening and saving, but it was a nice, familiar place to start and a confidence booster for the advanced tasks to come. In the same vein, using bold, italic, double spacing etc is something i am quite familiar with. The advanced tasks were unfamiliar territory to a tech illiterate such as myself. I encountered no problems in terms of following the instructions given in the tutorial tasks, the instructions were straight fowared and easy to follow and i will now use the 'track changes' feature alot in the future. Though it is in many ways a case of me being perfectly happy the way i was using it before, which was to track any changes with my trusty notepad and pen. So the new method ive encountered makes things mildly easier but i would have been fine without it.
The mail merge on the other hand i really do appreciate. This will save me probably minutes of precious time in the future. It has been fun to learn and if i can remember how to use it in future i will. however i am one of the above mentioned individuals who uses open office so i guess not. bye!!

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