Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Conclusion - reflecting apon new comm tech

New Comm Tech, which will culminate tomorrow in the exam, has been an interesting educational experience. However, there were many aspects of the courses content which was questionable in terms of its relevance. The main critisicm i would make would be regarding the link between the tutorial, text book and lecture content. The text book tackles the issues of new comm tech with a political economy approach, an approach i found easy to read and very insightful. Steve's lectures could be related to the textbooks content because he also looked at neagative/positive impacts of tech on society. The tutuorials though unfortunetely had little to no relevance to either the book or the lecture. In the tutorials we devoted the majority of our time to superficial analyses of computer programs. Spending two weeks looking at photoshop was, in my opinion, something of a waste of time, considering that when the two weeks was up i was not only uninterested but also quite confused; this is in no way a negative reflection on chris (my tutor), but making two weeks of photoshop interesting is a mammoth task for anyone. I feel that the weeks we spent looking at photoshop, word and excel would have been much better spent reviewing, discussing and debating topics raised in either the lectures or textbook. All in all though it was fairly enjoyable and a good introduction to uni life!

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