Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Week 5 Blog

Well i did my best, but i am definetely going to need another week of experimenting with photoshop in my tute before i can successfully upload some decent photos to my blog. I altered some photos last week but then had problems getting them directly from photoshop to my blog, i tried to add them as page elements but it failed miserably. The computer just wouldnt do it, apparently they were in the wrong format?? so ill try and resolve that this week and get them up there over the next couple of days.

Predictably enough, photoshop is yet another example of new computer technology i really didnt know existed. It is truly confronting and exciting new frontiers we are crossing on a weekly basis in this subject.

The early stages of my essay research are coming along very nicely, there is an absolute wealth of information out there for the topic i want to address. In fact, i have difficulty sitting down in front of the TV of an evening without another issue regarding new media and technololgy flashing accross the screen. I am now fine tuning my idea furthur by beginning to concentrate specifically on how the abolishment of Australia's laws regarding cross media ownership are making it easier for the packer/murdoch etc presses to dominate new technologies as well as exisitng ones.

Hopefully the coming weeks tutorial will help me furthur in my heroic struggle to understand photoshop better, unless i encounter some major stumbling blocks i expect to have some altered photos on the blog in the next few days. Apparently we will be watching an instructional video which is great, because frankly i can use all the help i get!! cya!


zerotide said...

Hi Tom, Terri here (it will say Mavis, but you know that is another story). Anyway, I saw your topic choice and whilst searching my topic I found some interesting sites on Robert Murdoch (he who thinks he is great), just thought it may be of interest to you... or 'who is robert murdoch'. Hope you don't mind.

Tom said...

Hay terri!!
yes i have encountered that americanprogress site myself it is very interesting. thanks for your help, fortunately for us all there is a wealth of righteous anger out there to tap into!!
cya soon terri :)