Saturday, April 28, 2007

Week 7- an angry, angry week

I have finished with my photoshop experimentaion and the results can be seen in the altered photograph to the right. Whilst experiencing photoshop was interesting in small doses, I cant say that it is a new technology that i found particularily engaging. It is a new technology with a purely artisitic and aesthetic function; it serves little practical purpose in terms of better connecting people or promoting the free spread of ideaS - in my eyes only technologies that acheive either one or both of these are worth using. To photoshops credit, it does allow any random individual with an aspiration to be an artist a creative outlet, but any aspiring picassos still have to be creative within the constraints of an artificially created program. True creativity is best acheived with as few constraints as possible, in photshop all one must do is get the right combination of mouse pointing and finger clicking happenning and 'presto!!!' art is created baby!

While im on the soapbox, i would like to see technology being subjected to much more critique in this course. The writers of the textbook use an excellent combination of commentary and critique when discussing new technology, but this is not backed up in the lecture and tutorial content. Not meaning to hark back to old times, but those PR guest presenters actually spent 5min PLUGGING BLACKBERRIES!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh righteous anger, feels so good! I personally would like to see more time spent looking at the positive/negative impacts of technology on the lives of the everyday citizen. I know we do spend some time on it, i would like to see much more.

On a final, positive note i became an uncle for the first time last friday and am therfore going to change the name of my page from 'toms new comm' to 'uncle toms new comm'. Cya!!

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