Saturday, April 28, 2007

Essay websites

Here are a few of the websites ill be looking at for my essay


These sites have some good argument about cross media laws specifically discussing the effect internet news sites have had on the industry so check them out!! theres a good mix of opinion, some of it damn laughable, worth looking at.

Week 7- an angry, angry week

I have finished with my photoshop experimentaion and the results can be seen in the altered photograph to the right. Whilst experiencing photoshop was interesting in small doses, I cant say that it is a new technology that i found particularily engaging. It is a new technology with a purely artisitic and aesthetic function; it serves little practical purpose in terms of better connecting people or promoting the free spread of ideaS - in my eyes only technologies that acheive either one or both of these are worth using. To photoshops credit, it does allow any random individual with an aspiration to be an artist a creative outlet, but any aspiring picassos still have to be creative within the constraints of an artificially created program. True creativity is best acheived with as few constraints as possible, in photshop all one must do is get the right combination of mouse pointing and finger clicking happenning and 'presto!!!' art is created baby!

While im on the soapbox, i would like to see technology being subjected to much more critique in this course. The writers of the textbook use an excellent combination of commentary and critique when discussing new technology, but this is not backed up in the lecture and tutorial content. Not meaning to hark back to old times, but those PR guest presenters actually spent 5min PLUGGING BLACKBERRIES!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh righteous anger, feels so good! I personally would like to see more time spent looking at the positive/negative impacts of technology on the lives of the everyday citizen. I know we do spend some time on it, i would like to see much more.

On a final, positive note i became an uncle for the first time last friday and am therfore going to change the name of my page from 'toms new comm' to 'uncle toms new comm'. Cya!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rough essay draft

There is no question that the development of new technology throughout the the 2oth century, and the early stages of the 21st, have significantly impacted on every facet of life in western societies. Aside from the obvious impacts at a day to day level, the development of new communications has had a considerable effect on the changing methods that media outlets use to broadcast and narrowcast news and current affairs to the public. The abolishment of Australia's cross media ownership laws are providing increasing opportunities for media moguls with monopolistic agendas to dominate not only existing mediums, but to gain a stranglehold on new and increasingly popular communication technologies. Blogging and internet news sites, once forums for unbiased ( or at least honest) opinion, are now the becoming the domain of the the very companies that dominate traditional sources of broadcast media. This trend is compromising the single most important fuction that media has in a democracy, to offer objective and unbiased facts to the public so that informed and eductaed desicions can be made. New internet based technologies play an impotant role in this problem, however, they can also play a fundamental role in the solution.

Traditional sources of broadcast mediums in Australia - television, radio and print, have long been the exclusive domain of a small number of companies ( find reference) . Cross Media laws, created during the Keating government, restricted the number of media outlets one organisation could own in a specific region. The over-riding argument in favour of the abolishment of the laws rested on the idea that traditional news sources no longer carry the same influence; this reduced influence is credited, in part, to the increased public reliance on internet news sites. However, according to Trish Bolton "online hit rates for News Ltd, Fairfax and ninemsn far outnumber online alternatives" suggesting that while new technologies like internet news sites are indeed increasing in popularity, consumers are accessing news sites provided by the same companies that dominate traditional media. This trend undermines the most signifigant argument that led to the scrapping of the laws - that the development of new, independently run internet news sources was providing a wealth of diversity to the public.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Week 5 Blog

Well i did my best, but i am definetely going to need another week of experimenting with photoshop in my tute before i can successfully upload some decent photos to my blog. I altered some photos last week but then had problems getting them directly from photoshop to my blog, i tried to add them as page elements but it failed miserably. The computer just wouldnt do it, apparently they were in the wrong format?? so ill try and resolve that this week and get them up there over the next couple of days.

Predictably enough, photoshop is yet another example of new computer technology i really didnt know existed. It is truly confronting and exciting new frontiers we are crossing on a weekly basis in this subject.

The early stages of my essay research are coming along very nicely, there is an absolute wealth of information out there for the topic i want to address. In fact, i have difficulty sitting down in front of the TV of an evening without another issue regarding new media and technololgy flashing accross the screen. I am now fine tuning my idea furthur by beginning to concentrate specifically on how the abolishment of Australia's laws regarding cross media ownership are making it easier for the packer/murdoch etc presses to dominate new technologies as well as exisitng ones.

Hopefully the coming weeks tutorial will help me furthur in my heroic struggle to understand photoshop better, unless i encounter some major stumbling blocks i expect to have some altered photos on the blog in the next few days. Apparently we will be watching an instructional video which is great, because frankly i can use all the help i get!! cya!