Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Week 2 - New Comm Tech - 15/3/07

The topics covered in this weeks lecture blew apart my fledgling confidence level. I suppose it was the lecture where we made the cross-over from easy 'introductory style' lectures to lectures which involve a sudden barrage of new concepts and terminology that left me momentarily dazed and confused. The short introduction to semiotics brought a smile to my face as we had already covered some of these issues in another course and it was pleasing to see that even at this early stage knowledge from one course could be successfully applied to another. So that is what i'll talk about this week. I hadn't really considered it up untill now but its looking like the ideas we are being introduced to in Stephen's lectures are like the missing link between the rest of my subjects which are dealing with theory ( in my first cultural perspectives tute Caron actually said 'We are going to change the way you think about thinking') and the Bachelor of journaliam as a whole. Teachings about media concepts and developments over the 20th century are the first ideas ive been introduced to that I feel will really help me in a career in journalism. So I guess I might have been unnessecarily dramatic when I said my confidence was 'blown apart', its not really, its just that this is the only one of my subjects where the word journalism has even been mentioned. So while im off studying more philosophically based, 'arty' subjects New Comm Tech so far has reminded me I am in fact studying journalsim and is giving me a base to return to with the ideas I encounter in other classes. Well thats gotta be around 300 words cya next week!!


Jude said...

Tom, obviously your illiteracy skills have continued into week 2. Can I suggest some tutoring with a fantastic Aboriginal Education Resource Teacher I know quite intimately (seeing as your mum is only a Principal and still hates technology of any sort!!!!!).

M-JP said...

Bollocks Blogger Boy we had at least two electrical items while you were growing up! I think your personal take on grammar and the English language is quirky and cute ..... but then again . . I am your mother