Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Week 1 - New Comm Tech - 8/3/07

To be perfectly honest, this is the course I predict I find will find most challenging. Coming from a technologically repressed childhood ( my mother was, despite being a teacher, not in favour of filling our house with new tech) it is only in the past few years that I have begun to interect with new technology ( computers, microwaves, telelvision etc.) on a regular basis. As a perfect example of my computer illiteracy, Simone sitting next to me just complained that this program doesnt automatically correct grammer at the beginning of a new sentence. She received from me a vacant stare and a sheepish admission I had no idea any programs, ever, in the history of computers, could do that for me (inset laughter here). 'Blogging' is a term I had never heard before the start of the first lecture. When Steven went on to say that Blogging would establish itself as a core component of this course I thought 'wow thats fantastic! 30% of our mark for this semester revolves around a topic I have absolutely no familiarity with'. That said, in the past 15min I have gone from knowing nothing about blogging to being a cautiously optimistic blogger.
I have read bits and pieces of the first 4 chapters of the New Comm text book and have happily found that the authors early analysis of Australian media reinforces some of my own views about the subject, which is making the reading easier and more enjoyable. All in all, the first week of New Comm has evolved through several stages - Apprehension, optimism, blind mind numbing panic, relief and now optimism for the second time. This course will have alot to teach and I look fowared to the following weeks.


em said...

Clearly your illiteracy doesn't stop at computers. Nice "grammer", "inset" laughter here? I will, gladly! Ha ha ha. Just kidding Thom, excellent first blogging attempt. :)

Tom said...

I dont know who you are 'em' but i already dont like you. say hi to scotty and elliot for me

Simone said...

thanks for including me! i feel priveledged and promise to return the favour in my next attempted blog! see ya tomorrow!

Tom said...

yo simcard, u wont be able to miss me in the morning - ill be the wretchedly hungover dude with the massive coffee :)

Simone said...

i so just got your comment then lol
and i cant believe u typed that at four in the morning!!!! put your reply on my page cos its easier to find :)
have a good patties day!

Simone said...

true. i was like god he must have been really drunk or something! by the way i cannot believe i hit mrs grandma! well cass did but still! and i like your santa issing elf pic its hilarious :0) cya